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The Comeback

I've been thinking a lot lately about goal-setting as a means of living better. Not so much because of what's attained at the end but what's gained in the process. Again to Carthage is one of my favorite books. Author John L. Parker, Jr. writes about the fictional runner Quenton Cassidy who was a great miler and earned a silver medal in the Olympics. 
Again to Carthage tells the story of Cassidy's return to running some years later. This time he's focused on the marathon. Parker truly was a great miler in his day so he knows what he's talking about. 

This particular excerpt is from the chapter Correspondence in which Quenton tries to explain to his girlfriend Andrea why he's pursuing a comeback. Parker gives us words to wrap around an experience. The black and white image that accompanies the text in this creation shows Parker himself (far right) when he was about 20 years old. 

The author is now in his mid-70's but - as he and I discussed via Zoom a couple years ago - he still feels in many ways that he is that same young man. That makes the image and the information all the more powerful.